Spenbeck Launch Sustainability Policy

We are pleased to announce the online publication of our Sustainability Policy here
Inspired by Nottingham City Council’s 2028 Carbon Neutral Pledge to which we have publicly aligned ourselves, the document outlines our commitment to the Triple Bottom Line of ‘People, Planet & Profit’ and details how Spenbeck is using the UNs Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to not only embed sustainability across our operations but support our tenants in meeting their B Corp aspirations and ISO14001 environmental certifications.
Even though we are a micro-SME, we recognise that we all have a significant part to play in reducing the impacts of climate change. Being a company of only two people is not an excuse to do nothing!
So the policy outlines our commitments to holistic sustainability, rather than focusing solely on Net Zero. We are supporting our SME supply chain in embedding a circular economy approach to refurbishments and retrofitting, while phasing sustainability upgrades across our office portfolio to not only reduce energy bills but optimise these spaces to strengthen our tenants’ recruitment and retention of both staff and clients.
We won’t lie, we were slightly concerned that creating such a comprehensive policy would be far too onerous for a company of our size and weigh us down with hoops to jump through. But actually, the reverse has happened. By outlining our six sustainability principles and subsequent targets we are being transparent about what we are aiming to achieve and ensuring that all our decision making is made through this lens. This has given us greater strategic clarity and efficiency, enabling us to cut through the overwhelm that comes with trying to get SMEs to start their sustainability journey. Our SDG audit enabled us to celebrate how much we are already achieving and motivate us to tackle the harder stuff.
This isn’t a stick to beat us with, but a document that sits at the centre of who we are and what we stand for. We may not have achieved all our targets by 2028, but we will reach that milestone knowing we have done everything possible to get us there. As people may be bored of hearing me say, it’s about progress not perfection. And we will give it our very best (earth) shot!
Becky Valentine